Attention: Debtors-In-Possession, Bankruptcy Trustees, SIPC Trustees, and Corporate Liquidators:

Need to close your debtor’s case?  We can finalize the last piece of your due diligence and convert to cash hard-to-collect causes of action, written-off receivables, contingent and unidentified assets belonging to or owed to your debtor.  You will be able to close your proceeding.

finalize-bankruptcy-logo5At some point, the cost of keeping a bankruptcy estate open is a losing proposition for creditors. Costs of maintaining the case exceed the value of the cash coming in. Still, you have a duty not to leave anything on the table.

You’ve recovered and distributed millions already, and now have to fulfill your duty to maximize estate value. You need to expeditiously close your case per Bankruptcy Code §704.

We will help you expedite that responsibility by buying your difficult-to-recover assets for cash.